Student Support

Accomodation – Feeding – Medical Care

Regarding the applied legislation the students that fulfill the essential prerequisites merit free of charge feeding in the student restaurant of institution and accommodation in the student Residence centre, or in hired rooms and sanitary care. In undergraduate and postgraduate students (except the one that are classified for attainment of another degree) a bulletin of Special tickets of decreased cost is also provided from the secretary of the Department.

Practical Practice Compensation

The students that pursue their practice, in Services of State, Legal Persons of Public Right, Institutes of ETHIAGE and Enterprises and Organizations as they are decreed in article 1 paragraph of 6 [N].1256/82, are recompensed and secured.


Course Books

According to the President decree 226/2007, that was published in Official paper of the Hellenic Republic 256/20.11.2007 issue [A]΄ the way of free supply and choice of instructive books from the students or students of most institution of higher education was designated. The list of books is compiled in base of corresponding proposals of familiar sectors for the courses that are taught with their responsibility at the next academic year after proposals of academic members of the familiar sector that possess place of the same cognitive object of course. In the list of books they are proposed at least two (2) books for each course from which each student nominally selects the one (1).

Scholarships & Rewards

Undergraduate and postgraduate students are granted with Scholarships and Rewards from the Institution of Government Scholarships (Ι.Κ.Υ.).. Scholarships are granted in the first year undergraduate students that were distinguished in the General Greek Examinations with the first attendance, in students according to the mean value of grades of two semesters and in the first student of each postgraduate program at the end of each year of study. The rewards consist in written diploma and issuing of scientific books of student’s. cognitive object of study.